



Influencer Marketing Market Based on MCN: KRW 11 trillion in 2020

Increasing demand for products that can produce contents

Everyone can use PHODO to capture their precious memories

Use PHODO 🍇 to easily produce contents!


What this device can do

Face Tracking

Tracking your face with Firebase ML Kit

Application detect and track your face automatically

All you need to do is just install PHODO 🍇 on a tripod and use it.

Multiple Face Tracking

This device can track more than one face

Make memories with your friends
and family through PHODO! 👫 👪

Hands Free Capture

Activate voice-detection hands free button and say 📣 "Cheese!"

or activate smile-detection hands free button
and put smile on your face! 😊

You can capture the camera 📸 right away without any touch!

User Customizing

This feature will be activated on upcomming update


Introduce Our Team

Yechan Yun

📌 MCU Programming

📌 Android Application Development

📌 Team Leader

Keunju Song

📌 Android Application Development

📌 User Customizing Implementation

📌 Major Developer

Sohee Park

📌 Internal Device Design Support

📌 Soldering

📌 Financial Accounting

Hyekyoung Kim

📌 Internal Device Design Support

📌 Soldering

📌 Clerk

Jungyong Min

📌 3D Modeling Designer

📌 Application Layout Designer


How we've been built our project.
  • Ideas

    To start this project, our team gathered around and did some brainstorming. ( View Details )

    Lots of ideas comes and goes, and we ended up with this idea :

    💡"How about making a device for contents creator?"💡 (Like Youtube Vlogger)

  • Flesh Out

    After we decided to make a device for creators, we flesh out our idea.

    We pointed out that growth of Vloggers is extraordinary.

    So we decided to make a Face Tracking device to help making contents.

  • Sketch

  • App Development

    Add Face Tracking Feature ( View Details ) - 20.03

    Add Bluetooth Communication Feature ( View Details ) - 20.04

    Add Camera Capture Feature ( View Details ) - 20.04

    Add STT Hands-Free Capture Feature ( View Details ) - 20.05

    Developing User Customizing Feature - ~Now Developing

  • MCU Development

    Add Bluetooth Serial Read Feature ( View Details ) - 20.07

  • 3D Modeling

    Device Modeling Sketch - 20.05

    Brief External Appearance Modeling - 20.05

    Internal Appearance Modeling - 20.07

    External Appearance Modeling - 20.07


Let's work together